Balu‘ as Residual Space: Landform and Sociality in Palestine

إسم الكاتب: Omar Imseeh Tesdell and Iyad Issa
اسم دار النشر أو المجلة: Jerusalem Quarterly
مكان النشر أو عدد المجلة والصفحة: 69: 107-119
تاريخ النشر: 2017
تنزيل الكتاب أو المقالة: إضغط هنا

وصف متخصر عن الكتاب:

Traces and ruins structure the landscape of Palestine. Archeological sites loaded with religious and historical freight litter its urban and rural landscape. However, certain geographic features, too often considered part of a detached “natural” landscape, also embody traces. Here we consider the way that geographic features of the landscape, known as landforms, compose part of the social and economic fabric of Palestinian cities and villages. In particular we turn our attention to the balu‘ – seasonal pools or winter ponds – that form from the collection of runoff from winter rains in a low area. These formations are called balu‘ in the Palestinian vernacular from the root word “to swallow” and they might be understood as geographic depressions that “swallow” rainwater, allowing it to percolate slowly into the soil. Sometimes these seasonal ponds survive into early summer; sometimes they dry after the winter rains end in March, depending on rainfall amounts and temperatures. Balu‘ areas can also refer to sinkholes, potholes, or caverns in the ground. The soils in balu‘ areas tend to be heavy, clayey soils associated with sediment collected from runoff.

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